Purchasing office

A high-performance central purchasing unit at the heart of the organization

The driving force and heart of the organization, purchasing is organized along the same lines as the European central purchasing departments, divided by department (ultra-fresh, fresh, FMCG, liquids, bazaar and textiles). With the exception of local products, 90% of purchases are made in Europe, and the Group works with 80% of national brand imports. Most supplier relations are handled directly, without intermediaries. However, buyers can also rely on two major purchasing groups.

Over 110,000 references are registered.

Together with the Transit department, the purchasing department employs some forty people, whose quality of work and reliability stem from perfect mastery of the system.

The organization would be incomplete without mentioning the 11 warehouses, which represent 44,000 m², a stock value of 29 million Euros and employ over 400 people. The warehouse department acts as a coordinator between the head office and the stores, supervising the unloading of some 350 containers a month, whose products are checked, stored and then broken down in the stores. This department is also responsible for the company’s fleet of around 100 vehicles.

Responsible for the supermarkets’ distribution strategy, it also oversees semi-wholesale sales and monitors local suppliers on a daily basis.


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